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Boosting client satisfaction at Franklin Vets with ezyVet and Customer Radar

Franklin Vets, a well-established, successful veterinary practice since 1944, operates 12 main and one satellite clinic, employing over 240 staff, including a dedicated team of 60 veterinarians. Renowned for excellent service, the practice draws clients through generations, attributing its reputation to visible clinic locations and many word-of-mouth endorsements.


The Opportunity:


Embracing client feedback

Kath Sim, Marketing Manager, emphasised the importance of regular client communication to maintain and enhance service quality. “We wanted to touch base with our clients and ensure we were giving them the best service and experience possible – we’re a best practice service organisation, our clients and caring for their animals are why we are in business”.

Wanting to request, receive and understand client feedback along with challenges in gathering timely feedback due to the nature of client visits, led to the adoption of Customer Radar, a comprehensive feedback solution that allows for immediate and actionable client responses.

The Process:


On the Radar

Customer Radar was selected for its responsiveness and compatibility with Franklin Vet’s needs, particularly in its medium and large clinics. The solution enabled easy and prompt feedback collection post-appointment in a timely manner, generating valuable insights through a user-friendly dashboard accessible by Kath and the clinic managers.

Additionally, Customer Radar’s integration with ezyVet’s Practice Management Software that Franklin Vets was already using made it very easy to set-up an automatic process for inviting customers to give feedback.

Feedback utilisation and benefits

The feedback system not only enabled direct communication with clients but also encouraged internal team recognition and accountability. Positive feedback was shared and boosted the teams immensely, while negative responses were quickly addressed to improve service standards. Additionally, the system helped in tracking performance trends and identifying areas for team training.

Strategic communication

Proactive communication strategies were implemented to manage client expectations during delays, significantly reducing potential dissatisfaction.  Says Kath “communication with our clients is key, generally they don’t mind delays or changes if we let them know in advance and offer them alternatives that suit them”. Good feedback was also encouraged to be shared on digital platforms like Google My Business and Facebook, enhancing the clinics’ online reputation.

The Impact:

“It’s helping us become even more successful, offer better customer experiences and ensure our teams feel valued and thanked”

Realising the benefits

The adoption of Customer Radar has been instrumental in improving client relations and staff engagement. The ongoing analysis of Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and client feedback trends has become a key performance indicator, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and client-centric service.

Benefits Summary

The strategic use of feedback has propelled Franklin Vets towards greater success by:

  • Enhancing client satisfaction through proactive service adjustments
  • Empowering staff with recognition and constructive feedback
  • Strengthening digital presence and client engagement

Leveraging client insights for targeted staff training and service enhancements
This comprehensive approach not only improves client experiences but also contributes to a positive workplace environment and the overall growth of the practice.

“Working with Customer Radar has been really good” says Kath, “they’ve delivered what we needed and more. It’s helping us become even more successful, offer better customer experiences and ensure our teams feel valued and thanked – so many facets from one solution! We feel as if we’ve been part of growing their business as we’ve helped with product innovation so that’s been awesome”.