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Everything you need to manage your online reputation

Customer Radar can be used by almost any organisation that runs an online booking or appointment system. It’s easy to set up and super easy to use. 

Customer Radar gives you access to all the features you need to better understand your customers and grow demand for your business. It’s everything you need and nothing you don’t to grow a profitable business.

The company and customer experience

Your Customer's



Feedback request sent

The feedback sequence is triggered automatically when an appointment, booking or milestone is completed. The invitation typically goes out 1 hour later. You can set rules that control who gets and doesn't get an invitation. 


Feedback provided

A text or email is sent to your customer or patient including a unique link to ask them to provide a rating and a comment. It's quick and easy for them to complete and works on all devices.


Alert staff to new feedback

You get an email as soon as your customer leaves feedback for you. The email contains the rating and the comment so you don't have to go anywhere else.


Respond instantly

You can respond to the customer directly from the alert, which is particularly important when your customer isn't completely satisfied and you want to act on it.


Google review

Everyone that gives you feedback can be asked to provide a Google Review. A steady flow of Google reviews helps drive demand for your services and improves your SEO ranking in Google.


Share to your website

You can easily share positive feedback to your website to make sure everyone knows how awesome your customers think you are!



All your feedback is presented in a dashboard that allows you to analyse feedback in different ways, learn how to improve and tracks how satisfied your customers are over time.

With all your feedback in one place you can see themes and start to build deliberate strategies to improve the experience you offer and in doing so build a more sustainable business.


What is a Net Promoter Score?

Net Promoter Score (NPS for short) is a simple way to quantify how happy your customers are overall. It’s a useful measure to track over time to check you are maintaining the quality of the service you offer. Your NPS score is calculated for you in your dashboard.

Customers are asked to give you a rating based on their experience, which is their individual satisfaction score.

In the NPS framework, customers giving you a 9 or 10 are called Promoters, which means they are likely to tell their friends about the experience they got with you. Customers giving you a 7 or an 8 are called Passives and are neither happy or unhappy. Customers giving you a 0-6 rating are Detractors and are the ones you should be concerned about.

Your NPS is calculated as
% Promoters – % Detractor 

The worst NPS score you can get is -100 and the best is +100. Scores vary across industries and geographies however anything over +70 is considered world-class.
