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What Questions Should Clinics Ask in Surveys?

Surveys are an effective tool to gather feedback, but designing them can be challenging. The answer? Keep it simple and leverage the right technology.

Customer Radar

Jun 27, 2024

Hands holding three blue circular cutouts with smiling faces against a light blue background.

In the healthcare industry, particularly within dental and veterinary clinics, understanding client satisfaction is key to delivering exceptional care and maintaining a strong reputation. Surveys are an effective tool to gather this crucial feedback, but designing them can be challenging. The secret lies in keeping the survey short and easy for clients while extracting valuable insights. Here are some essential questions and considerations:

Five Considerations For Designing Effective Feedback Surveys

1. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our clinic to a friend or colleague?"

Importance: NPS provides a snapshot of the overall client satisfaction and loyalty, helping you easily identify promoters, passives, and detractors.

2. Smart NPS or Dynamic Questioning

Concept: Follow up the initial NPS question with context-specific questions based on the client’s response.

Example: If a client rates 0-6, ask, "What can we do to improve your experience?". For ratings of 7-8, inquire, "What did you like about your visit?". For 9-10, ask, "What did you love about your experience, and would you be willing to leave a review?".

3. Timing is Crucial

Point: Send the survey close to the client’s interaction with your clinic to capture accurate and detailed feedback. 

Importance: Timely surveys ensure that clients' experiences are fresh in their minds, leading to more precise and actionable feedback.

4. Frequency of Surveys

Concept: Customize how often clients receive feedback invitations to avoid survey fatigue.

Example: Most clinics choose to survey clients once every 90 days, with rules in place to ensure they aren’t over-surveyed if they come back for multiple treatments.

5. Leverage Experience-Specific Feedback with Customer Radar

Point: Tools like Customer Radar automatically analyze experience-specific feedback in your dashboard, eliminating the need to ask clients numerous irrelevant questions.

Example: Feedback can be automatically categorized into experience-specific groups such as customer service, quality of treatment, communication etc. to give you the insights you need, without asking your clients to fill out lengthy surveys. 

Relationship Manager, Rachel Gebbie shares the results of implementing these tips across their veterinary hospitals, “Managing feedback easily and using it constructively means everyone wins” - read the full case study here. Keeping surveys short and easy for your client ensures higher response rates and more actionable feedback. Using NPS and dynamic questioning through platforms like Customer Radar can provide deeper insights and help you continuously improve your clinic’s services.

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